Sunday is God's gift to us, a chance to step away from all of the worries, stress, anxiety, and distractions of life to find peace with Him. We are invited every Sunday to enter into the sacrifice Jesus made on Mount Calvary, and to revel in the indescribable love of Jesus.
We can also go a step further and aid in the carrying out of the worship beyond the pew. We welcome everyone to see if Jesus is calling them to participate in the Worship of Him through the ministries below.
An Altar Server serves our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, at His Holy Altar, especially regarding His Presence - Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity – in the Eucharist.
The primary goal of the Altar Server is to serve God out of love: a love we continually strive to perfect. Growing in Love with our Eucharistic Lord enables us to grow in love for our neighbor. To serve reverently and devoutly in love for Our Lord requires a humble and contrite heart. To serve at the Holy Altar of the Lord is a great honor and privilege.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist in ministering Christ's body and blood to the People of God.
Parishioners are needed to administer the Eucharist at all Masses including daily Mass, weekend Masses, Holy Day Masses, and special Masses. The schedule is flexible. Training leading to certification is required and provided. Formation meetings are held for the purpose of ongoing training and scheduling.
For requirements and more information about becoming a Eucharistic Minister, please send an email to: [email protected].
EMHC Certification Policy for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Phoenix
Published by the Office of Worship with the approval of Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted, April 2006.
“I want to encourage everyone to visit—if possible, everyday—especially amid life’s difficulties, the Blessed Sacrament of the infinite love of Christ and His mercy, preserved in churches, and often abandoned, to speak filially with Him, to listen to Him in silence, and to peacefully entrust yourself to Him.”
Adoration Sign- Ups
Sign-Up to Adore!Caring for the sick and the dying is a very important part of the love we share and show one another as a community, and in the way we value life as Christians. In this, we take example first and foremost in the life and ministry of Jesus, who healed many, and always took time to visit the sick and the dying.
Our Eucharistic Ministers of Care bring Holy Communion to those who are unable to join the community at Mass, either temporarily or for an extended period. Lay ministers visit homes, hospitals, and nursing homes, uniting the homebound to the other members of the parish through the body of Christ.
Being a Eucharistic Minister of Care requires a minimum of time, usually two to three hours a week. With the growth of our Parish, there is a much greater need for ministers to serve the nursing homes and our Parishioners who are homebound. Please consider joining us in this important and rewarding ministry.
This is a very rewarding Ministry and the people we visit are so grateful! Our ministers have often said that they receive so much more than they give. Training is required for all Eucharistic Ministers of Care and new Ministers must have completed all 3 parts to be certified. Certification is then good for 3 years.
Is any among you sick? Let him call for the presbyters of the Church, and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the Lord; and the prayer of faith will save the sick man, and the Lord will raise him up; and if he has committed sins, he will be forgiven.
Lectors proclaim God's word at each liturgy when they read Scripture from the Old and New Testaments.
Lectors also welcome the congregation and may lead the prayers of the faithful. In addition to the weekend Masses, lectors are also scheduled for seasonal and Holy Day Masses, daily Masses and other faith-related liturgies. Formation meetings are held for the purpose of ongoing training and scheduling. Certification training leading to certification is required and provided.
Children have a powerful role to play in our parish because they are the leaders of today at their different levels, and the leaders of tomorrow as they grow to be committed Catholics. In an atmosphere of welcoming, caring and sharing, this natural extension to the Lector Ministry seeks to provide children a safe, quiet, joyful and religious environment where the children (2nd to 8th grade) of St. Andrew the Apostle establish a relationship with God and can be great proclaimers of the Word of God. Children Lectors proclaim God’s word at each liturgy when they read Scripture from the Old and New Testaments. Lectors also welcome the congregation and may lead the prayers of the faithful.
Ministers of Hospitality are the first of Christ's faces to greet God's people at community worship. Ministers of Hospitality serve as ushers and extend hospitality to the faith community.
Ministers of Hospitality are needed at all Masses, especially during the busiest Liturgical Seasons of the year: Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter. This page has been prepared for you special men, women, and youth of St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church who want to build up the Body of Christ by serving in the Ministry of Hospitality as an Usher. We shall strive as a community to serve the needs of God's people, gain a richer understanding of the Gospel Message, and increase the vitality and holiness of the church. We shall enhance the spirit of welcome and efficient administration of services at St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church.
The Hospitality Ministry of St. Andrew the Apostle proudly serves our growing parish community by:
Lord, in your love you gather your people this day, help me to serve them in a Christ like manner, even as your son Jesus served those who gathered about him. Make me prayerful, patient, helpful and understanding, and may I radiate the joy that faith brings as I serve their needs. Give me your strength to support my fellow ministers. May all who assemble to celebrate our common faith in the risen savior be glad of heart for being here and for having encountered your son in one another, in our priest, at the tables of the book and the bread, and through the ministry of ushers like me. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
— Gregory F. Smith, O. Carm
Our Video Projection Ministry helps with projection of song lyrics and video during our weekend, Wednesday Evening, Holy Days, Wedding Masses in addition to other liturgical and special parish events.
This ministry uses advanced technology in exciting ways to support the mission of St. Andrew the Apostle Catholic Church
The goal of the Worship Environment Ministry is to create a setting conducive to a meaningful worship. We decorate the church environment for ceremony and season. According to Art and Environment in the Church, this ministry is to oversee all aspects of ceremony. This includes altar linens, vestments, vessels, candles, etc., keeping things clean, in working order, and ready for use; also to be able to supply anything that may be needed.
Don’t worry if you haven’t helped with the Worship Environment ministry before, training is provided!
The music ministry of St. Andrew the Apostle strives to provide musical leadership which fosters "full, conscious and active participation" of the assembly, which assists the assembly to "express the gift of faith within them", and which "nourishes and strengthens their interior commitment of faith."
The sound ministry of St. Andrew the Apostle strives to support the sung and spoken word of God. This leadership, in turn, fosters full, conscious and active participation of the assembly, which assists the assembly to express the gift of faith within the mass, and which nourishes and strengthens their interior commitment of faith.