The St. Andrew Prayer Line is an active group of parishioners that pray for fellow parishioners, or their relatives and friends in need. There are no meetings. This is a ministry that can be done in your home, at work, in your car, wherever and whenever you pray.
All you need to do is call the Prayer Line phone number at 480.899.1990 x205 to retrieve the special intentions for the week, or if you prefer, have the intentions e-mailed to you. While you say your daily prayers, remember those for whom we have been asked to pray.
In the quiet of this moment, O God, we thank you for your infinite love that is always here for each of us, for all of us. Help us to listen and watch as you call our names. We want to hear what it is that you are asking of us. We want to see you in the eyes of people we meet each day. We know that we are the embodiment of your love. Let us remember to show kindness as we speak, to be your image of joy and peace in the lives of everyone we meet today, especially those who need support for their illness and pain, be it in body, mind or spirit. We know that we have a choice in each present moment; let us watch and listen as you show us how to choose love.
Please contact the Parish Office, 480.899.1990, Ext. 205. Only first names are used to maintain confidentiality, or email [email protected].
The following prayer requests have been made by members of the Community of St. Andrew the Apostle.
Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands. Protect them as they protect us. Bless them and their families for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Savior. Amen.