Mission Statement: In the present time of mercy, the Marian Missionaries of Divine Mercy (MMDM) consciously and deliberately aim to win the whole world for God and prepare it for the Lord’s final coming as quickly as possible, especially through the two powerful spiritual weapons of Marian Consecration and Divine Mercy.
This apostolic movement for the laity is inspired by the teaching and example of St. John Paul II. Members give themselves to this mission through service, special projects, various apostolic works, or administrative/prayer support. The St. Andrew MMDM’s focus currently is performing corporal and spiritual works of mercy at our church and in the community. The Marian Missionaries of Divine Mercy support one another in individual/group efforts to radiate the joy of the Gospel and Christ’s love to others.
The Marian Missionaries of Divine Mercy Ministry is an outreach of the Father Michael Gaitley’s HeartsAfire Program Retreats: 33 Days to Morning Glory; Consoling the Heart of Jesus; and Wisdom and Works of Mercy. These retreats are offered at St. Andrew’s on Wednesday evenings and Thursday mornings. Having completely all of these retreats is not an absolute criteria for being part of this ministry. New members are always welcomed.
The Marian Missionaries of Divine Mercy meets on the second Thursday of each month at 6:30-8:00pm. The MMDM ministry works in cooperation with the outreach areas of the office of Caring Ministries.
Some of our local works of mercy are providing meals for Welcome House, bringing Communion to the sick and homebound, praying with shut-ins, taking sick and elderly to doctor’s appointments, intercessory prayers for the world, praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy at the bedside of those dying or with their families in homes, hospital rooms or nursing homes by request. We’ve also offered to make home visits with shut-ins, volunteer for local flu clinic vaccinations and we’ve helped get other cenacles off the ground. We teach on The Divine Mercy of God in our daily lives. Why Divine Mercy?
"How much need the world has to understand and accept Divine Mercy!"
-St. John Paul II
It is the desire of Our Lord Jesus that devotion to His Divine Mercy be spread throughout the world. The Divine Mercy message is very urgent. Jesus said to St. Faustina: “Tell the world about My Mercy and My Love.” (Diary, 1064). In another message, He told her that “Mankind will not have peace until it turns with trust to My Mercy.” (Diary, 300).
“Right from the beginning of my ministry in St. Peter’s See in Rome, I consider this message [of Divine Mercy] my special task. Providence has assigned it to me in the present situation of man, the Church and the world. It could be said that precisely this situation assigned that message to me as my task before God.” “The hour has come when the message of Divine Mercy needs to fill the hearts with hope and become the spark of a new civilization: the civilization of love.” “Apart from the mercy of God, there is no other source of hope for mankind.” “The limit imposed upon evil is ultimately Divine Mercy.” “Divine Mercy is the light for the way forward for the people of the third millennium.”
For further information: The Association of Marian Helpers in Stockbridge, MA 01263 / Prayers: 1.800.804.3823 / Orders: 1.800.462.7426 www.marian.org
Source: Marians of the Immaculate Conception: http://www.thedivinemercy.org/ DIARY, Saint Maria Faustina Kowalska: Divine Mercy in My Soul © 1987 Congregation of the Marians of the Immaculate Conception, Stockbridge, MA 01263. All Rights Reserved. Reprinted with permission.
The Hearts Afire Program is a faith renewal program. It is designed to set hearts on fire with love of God and neighbor and to inspire works of mercy in our families, parishes and communities. The program has three stages. Stage One includes an understanding of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Stage One has two parts.
Part 1: 33 Days to Morning Glory: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat in preparation for a consecration to Jesus through Mary. The goal of this 33 day preparation is to formally entrust oneself to Mary, as Christ did at the Annunciation and as He willed for His disciples to do at the foot of the cross.
Part 2: Consoling the Heart of Jesus prepares one to develop an understanding of the message of Divine Mercy. This ten-week retreat gives us an awareness of God’s infinite mercy and how we can give Him joy by accepting His love and trusting in Him completely……giving meaning to “Jesus, I trust in you.”
Stage Two: Wisdom and Works of Mercy is a eleven session study of Church teaching and Catholic wisdom. The focus of Wisdom and Works of Mercy is the theology of the Most Holy Trinity. Understandings are developed in a way that helps one to understand what “really” is taking place at Mass, as well as understanding the plan of salvation. Understandings are developed, allowing participants to help spread the message of Divine Mercy, including individual and group works of mercy.
Stage Three: Keeping the Hearts Afire: This is the stage of ongoing formation and the building of fellowship/support with other Catholics who are intent on increasing their understandings of our wonderfully rich Catholic faith. Classes include: 33 Days of Merciful Love: A Do-It-Yourself Retreat in Preparation for Consecration to Divine Mercy and Divine Mercy in the Second Greatest Story Ever Told