Can I start this process before my child is born? YES, we recommend doing so.
What must I do to have my child Baptized at St. Andrew? You must attend an approved Baptismal seminar.
How are Baptisms scheduled? Baptisms will be scheduled after the seminar paperwork is completed.
Can we Baptize in a place other than the Church? The Rite of Baptism indicates that it should generally be celebrated in a Parish Church. Therefore, we do not ordinarily do baptisms outside of Church.
Who holds the child during Baptism? The Rite of Baptism indicates that ordinarily, the mother holds her child during Baptism.
How many Godparents can there be during the Sacrament of Baptism? According to the Instructions of the Catholic Church, "One Sponsor, male or female, is sufficient; but there may be two, one of each sex." [Canon Law # 873]. Therefore, no one can have more than two Godparents, nor can anyone have two Godparents of the same sex.
Can there be 4 Godparents in the case of twins? Yes and No! There can be 4 godparents in the sense that there are two Godparents for each twin, this totaling four. But each twin can only have 2 Godparents of their own. So it must be made clear which Godparent is for which twin. Why? Because the Godparents have to sign as witnesses to the Sacrament of Baptism. In the case of twins, they can both share the same 2 Godparents, one male and one female.
Can there be just two witnesses? No! There has to be at least one Catholic (Godparent/Sponsor) in good standing, meaning that person is practicing their faith in the Catholic Church. Under normal circumstances, you cannot have a baptism without a Godparent/Sponsor.
Who is a Christian Witness? A Christian Witness is a validly baptized non-Catholic who practices their faith in Christ in a visible and sincere manner. This could be a Lutheran, Anglican, Episcopal, Methodist, or any other non-denominational church that baptizes using the trinitarian formula.
Can a catholic who has abandoned the faith serve as a godparent or a Christian witness? Any Catholic, who has abandoned the faith, even if they now are active members in another Christian Church or community, may not serve as a Godparent or a Christian Witness. This is because they have separated themselves from the Church and cannot serve even as a witness.