Every incredible story has a beginning, you are standing at that starting line. Whether you are a returning Catholic Christian or a person of new faith, we are here to walk with you. Visit:
The Grown In Faith page if you would like to learn about more ways you can discover what we believe.
The Get Plugged In page if you would like to learn about fellowship groups you can become a part of to connect with others on the journey.
Or click on the Become A Church Member button if you're ready to say yes to our Church Family.
Questions? Don't worry, we've got you covered. Fill out our question form at the bottom of the page and our Church Staff will contact you directly.
Parking is located on the east and north side of the Parish grounds with handicap parking found near the entrance archways. Entrances to the parking lot can be found off of:
Ray Road
N. Country Club Way
W. Park Avenue
Accessibility - All areas of the Parish grounds are wheel chair accessible and walker friendly.
Listening System - Hearing enhancement devices are available at all Masses, please ask an usher if you require this.
Lost & Found - Our Lost and Found is located in the Narthex
We want everyone to be comfortable and feel at home in our faith community. Please join us as you are, having dressed with the intention to worship.
All are welcome here, including your newborn and wiggling toddlers. While we believe "If the Church isn't crying, it's dying.", we understand some parents worry about their baby crying. We have a room available for parents with little ones that allows them to participate in the Mass without feeling self-conscious that is accessible through our Narthex.
Children, Kinder through 3rd Grade, are welcome to break open the Scriptures of the Sunday during the Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) with other kiddos their age at the following Mass times:
Please check our events page or bulletin for CLOW scheduling.
Our High School Ministry meets on Sundays from 12:15-1:45pm in our Teen Center located on the south west side of the Church campus. Click here to find out more information about this group.
We understand that someone attending a Catholic Church for the first time may be overwhelmed by the flow of our worship. If you are attending for the first time, we invite you to let one of our ushers know who will be more than happy to connect you with someone who can walk with you through the worship.
Find our more about why we sit, stand and kneel in the mass here. Sit. Stand. Kneel.
Our worship music varies with the Mass you are attending. Our worship team will lead periods of singing with words projected on the church walls to make it easy to follow along.
Saturday 5:00pm - Ensemble
Sunday 7:00am - No Music
Sunday 9:00am - Adult Choir
Sunday 11:00am - Ensemble
Sunday 2:00pm - Contemporary Band
The offering is a time for our members and regular attendees to respond to God through giving. The Mass is a gift to you. If you do consider St. Andrew your church home, you can learn more about giving here. Ways To Give