"The parish community is where people of God, baptized and unbaptized, young and old, with typical and special needs, go for their initial and ongoing faith formation and spirituality. Parishes are, therefore, the proper place for faith formation and spirituality activities, and pastors are responsible for ensuring that parishioners are well-fed in matters of faith. With a balance between faith and reason, Fides et Ratio, the parish can provide a better place to feed the mind and the soul to lead a fulfilling Christian life.
As a Roman Catholic parish of St Andrew the Apostle, our community is our stable spiritual home where we belong. We are called to live by the commandments, love, and teaching of Jesus Christ, in line with catholic teaching. Therefore, we are called to continuously invest in our stable community to ensure everyone feels at home where they belong, keeping with our baptismal call, "We all belong to Christ" (1 Cor 12:12).
As your pastor, I intend to continue the work of my predecessors (Fr Joe Hennessey, the founding pastor, the late Fr John Coleman, Fr Scott Harris, MM, and Fr Robert Aliunzi) since the establishment of this parish. This will involve focusing on the Eucharist as an integral part of life and striving to make Eucharist a way of Life. To achieve this, investment in faith formation & spirituality becomes evident.
I believe that with ongoing faith formation and spirituality, we will bring the past, the future, and the present to live our lives to the fullest. The more time we invest in this, the more the Eucharist will become our way of life; to the extent we ignore this, our community will move away from the focus on the Eucharist."
- Fr. Teilo Lwande, AJ
St. Andrew the Apostle is a Roman Catholic church committed to the mission of Jesus Christ, and dedicated to the formation of disciples who use their gifts to fulfill His mission.
Monday - Thursday 9:00am - 1:00pm
*Please note our office is closed during the Wednesday 12pm Mass to allow staff attendance.
Friday - Sunday Closed
Each Parish of the Diocese of Phoenix has a Finance Council. Parish Finance Councils are regulated by universal law as well as norms issued by the Diocesan Bishop and according to the same norms, aid the pastor in the administration of parish goods. (Code of Canon Law, Canon 537.)
St. Andrew the Apostle Finance Council areas of responsibility are advising and helping make decisions for finances, budgeting, planning, fund raising, and development. The Finance Council has a responsibility to be good stewards making recommendations concerning the use of temporal goods and using the resources to be compatible with the mission of the parish. The Parish Finance Council is consultative in nature.